Saturday, January 31, 2009

lucky draw result...2009

after one whole day arrangement, the mgmt decided to contribute 15 presents. means that all local staffs also can get present from lucky draw. of course me feel happy and excited. i am not the 1st person to draw and i get a therme pot. i think this is the 2nd big prize among others. at that time, i feel my luck not so bad and better than last yr.
lucky draw for angpau section, i am the last 2 person to draw.. however, i get the 2nd big prize again... hehe.. but i need to perform to get this angpau.. i dance with them together and all of us so excited..that day reali so happy and exhausted.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

lucky draw...2009

tomorrow my co is orgenize a lucky draw and buffet dinner. due to economic crisis, all the supplier sponsorship become lesser. last year still can see the oven, vacumm machine, and so on.. but this yr just some small small present like kettle, juicer.. and hamper become this yr favourite.. because price ok and look bigger..
last yr i get a dvd player and give to my mum as a cny present because her dvd player is a bit lag.. time passes very fast.. one yr d.. this yr dunno wat i get.. hear that only draw 10 present and we got 15 staff, so got 5 ppl cant get the present.. i think i am the one of the five.. coz i always dun hv this kind of luck..anyway, i hope all of us also can get one present. at least all ppl also happy rather than bring nothing to home.. so i hope co will contribute the balance of the hamper to us as a appreciation and this will bring happiness to all of us.. especially me..haha..
today i not able to finish to pack the lucky draw number into the angpau..wil be continue tomorrow..tomorrow i still need to rush out the quotation to c'. hope he not blame me as i didnt pass the quotation to him by today.. i already try my best to get ready, the only thing left is need someone to verify.. i promise, after verify, i will email to you immediately..



我很關心你跟她 相處得稱心嗎
沒任何衝突嗎 不過 不過 想補充一句

如果她有福氣 未妒忌 別妒忌
等你 分離 隨時準備

知你無本心 有日到她死心
我未會灰心 不怕受過的教訓
願意在呆等 不忠愛人
回頭負你責任 知你
曾花心 愛著你很驚心 卻又覺開心
我為何肯 等個舊人#

誰叫我 不甘心 等到怕了都等

等等等還等 忍忍忍仍忍

我很清楚你的家 她可知那梳化
是共誰選擇嗎 可笑 可怕 只敢想一下

如她給你拋棄 別顧忌 別顧忌
等你 分離 又再一起

repeat #

還錯過 多少的 親吻
內疚地 耐心地 靜盼愛反悔的你
你似是和她 朝晚未離

suddenly love this song very much, janice is my fm January star. so janice's song can be listen from my fm very often.