31/5/09 is malvin big day. i was invited to his wedding dinner. my colleague chong are my driver that day..coz he stay near wit me. thanks chong anyway. he is my supervisor who always make breakfast to me..
the bride so friendly and even is my 1st time to see her but she hold my hand when take picture leh...hehe, so, i also hold her hand lo..
wish malvin and his loe po chai 永结同心&白头偕老。。。。。
that day, after shopping at the gardens, on the way back i saw rainbow. i like to see rainbow. may be rainbow cannot see everyday and seldom to have. just like the people you always see then u wont feel special and nothing new. but ppl u see once a yr may be u might be more appreciated and excited to c them. rainbow is nice but it will only appear a short period and will disappear very soon. after rainbow means there is no more rain and sky appear a brightness..雨过就会天晴。。everything sure got the end and got the way to solve. prince, jia you..雨过就会天晴。。